[Android] New Sygic 13.4.1 Version SINE VERBA - Plus EU PLACES [2013.06] + Plus HUD + Plus POI
Requirements : Android v2.1 and higher
Operating System : Android
Overview : Europe, North & South America , Southeast Asia, Australia
Install Instructions :
1. Uninstall any installed version of Sygic for Android
2. Leave it turned on the data connection and / or Wi-F in your device!
3. Extract the two folders from the ZIP package and copy them as they are in the /SdCard/ directory of your device. Depending on your phone can change the /SdCard/ folder name. Anyway in the root directory!
(You can also do this directly from your phone with ES FILE EXPLORER or AndroZip or ROOT EXPLORER)
************ a. Folder1 ==> His name is : /Android/
************ b. Folder2 ==> His name is /Sygic/
4. Install the application you find inside the ZIP package : Sygic_v.13.4.1_full.apk
5. Done !!!
Important Notes :
1. In this package you will find only two little maps and the world map Tele Atlas ver. 2013.06, all the new POI/PDI 12/2013, and all European EU PLACES. So you can see the fully working application. You can download any map you want simply adding it inside the folder /Syigic/Maps/ of your device. To install the maps NT (NavTeq) you also need the file content.info relative.
2. The package perfectly and accurately reflects the installation method that is used by the same Sygic! So no problem can be encountered during installation !
3. In the end, things to do are ...... ONE! copy the folders as they are in the /sdcard/, which is the main memory of the phone, the one you use for all your activities !
4. The ROOT is not necessary ... It works even on devices without ROOT !
5. After installation, if you want you can move the folder /Sygic/ the root of the micro-sd (external memory), the software will recognize the data and the app is still full working, saving valuable space in the main memory !
6. To Download the maps that you need you can use the program sgcmapdownloader13 for your PC. With this program you can download the last TA 2013.06 MAPS!! Simply copy the folder “PC_MapDownloader” anywhere in your PC and then double clic on the exe !! You find it inside the zip package !
7. The new function HUD ( head up display ) is present and full working !!
The content.info file inside the package is only for Europe. If you need for other continent, download this one :
Instal instructions ==> copy and overwrite the content.info file. You find it inside this route : /Sygic/Maps/
download free Sygic 13.4.1 ver. SINE VERBA + HUD + POI + EU PLACES
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