I am handy and elaborately designed to do my job better than your handheld .
I enjoy your spare time and energy. I remember all your calculations and
give you the ability to control them whenever you want . This makes the
perfect tool for adding receipts , balance sheet finance, even
calculating tax . And if you get out the calculator and go to do
something else, you are all in place when you return . You will not need
to ever do it again the same calculation .
I am attractive and effective , while making the most this large , beautiful screen :
- I will never forget where in the calculation is left - will show you exactly what happens anytime
- I remember everything , so you will be able to take a break and when
you come back later , you can continue from where we left off
- You show your calculations in legible font and elegant style , with commas to be there just to
- You can use any time the Backspace key to correct a simple mistake , rather than start again from the beginning
- Use my memory to see continuously running total
- The key Percent shows you exactly what he did , not to get confused
- NEW ! Drag the edge of the memory buttons for complex mathematical functions
- The intuitive , graceful design simplifies my everyday calculations on the phone or your tablet .
It's time Calculator Extra and the Android device you will forever leave a handheld before.
Calculator Plus (C) 2013 Digitalchemy, LLC
Required Android O/S :1.6+
Google Play
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